A blog dedicated to images and concepts that inspire me.

I am Marta, an architect and interior designer.



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A former Edwardian church was the setting for a Renaissance-

Furnitex and D+D 2013

20 . 07 . 2013

Today I attended the Furnitex and Decoration + Design at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre and I found a couple of pieces that called my attention: 

- the textiles from INK & SPINDLE for textiles have a really nice texture and feel to touch. They're ethically sourced using natural and organic fibres like hemp and the designs are hand printed.

- and my favourite, the TRUNK & ORDERLY traditional fibreboard cases that made me travel back in time. They're suitcases, storage boxes, drawer units and they even created a tall fibreboard totem that fits inside one of the suitcases! How their creativity moved from the design of a suitcase to a totem is a mystery to me.

There's also a good story behind the making of these suitcases. Joel Adams, owner and cabinet maker, in 2011 found Everlite Travel Goods (est. 1950) closing up in North Melbourne and decided to re-utilise the case making equipment of the old company. He gave it a new home in his Ballarat workshop and started on the hand making of the fibreboard cases. Fibreboard is a super tough compressed board product that has been used for case making for over a century and Joel uses authentic U.K. vintage stock.


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